Be Safe. Think on Your Feet.
Your safety as a pedestrian on Delaware’s busy roads is in your hands – and your feet!

Walk Smart.
Color Me Safe
A pedestrian crash course on visibility.

Pete is walking at night. Choose a color for his shirt. Then hit START to learn if a driver, traveling at 40 MPH, will see him in time to stop, if necessary.
All data presented here are for educational purposes only and may be subject to change based on real-world variables that may impact outcomes.
At 40 MPH, a driver needs 164 feet to stop.
Stopping Distance Calculator
See how long it takes to stop – you might be surprised. Choose your vehicle's speed.
Dashboard speedometer
Effects on the road
Walk Bright at Night.
Smart pedestrians do whatever it takes to be noticed at night. Carry a flashlight. Wear reflective gear. Always use the crosswalk. And glow as you go!
A pedestrian struck by a car going 20 mph has a 5% chance of death.
At 40 mph, that rises to 85%.
Make Del Aware of how to walk smart.
Del is traveling the blue hen state on foot. Help him make the right choices for a safe journey!
Congratulations! You made the right choices and Del arrived alive!

Make Del Aware of how to walk smart.

Teach Children the Facts of Safe Walking
Here are some common myths that children may believe about walking. Make sure they know the facts.
A green light means it's safe to cross.
A green light means you should stop and search for cars. Look Left-Right-Left for traffic before stepping off the curb. And then continue looking left and right.
You are safe in a crosswalk.
You may cross at a crosswalk, but you must always look first.
If you see the driver, the driver sees you.
The driver may not see you. Make sure the driver stops before you cross the street.
The driver will stop if you are in the crosswalk or at a traffic signal.
The driver may not see you and may not stop. Wait for the vehicle to stop.
When you are Walking
Follow the law and make smart decisions to keep yourself safe.
Cross only at crosswalks or intersections with signals or traffic signs.
Follow the rules and obey signs and signals.
Watch for cars coming from all directions.
Turn off handheld devices when crossing the street.
When walking at night, carry a flashlight and wear reflective items.
If there isn’t one, walk facing traffic, as far from traffic as possible.
Wait for cars to stop before stepping into a crosswalk.
Do not walk under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Make sure drivers see you by making eye contact before walking.
When you are Driving
Follow the law and watch out for pedestrians to avoid a tragic collision.
It’s the law at both marked and unmarked crosswalks.
Safety is a shared responsibility.
Especially in school zones and where people are present.
Reduce your speed in hard-to-see conditions, such as nighttime and bad weather.
This allows other vehicles to see pedestrians, too.
Watch out especially for pedestrians that are distracted, confused or incapacitated.
There may be people crossing that you can’t see.
Pedestrians can move into your path.
Don’t drive under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.
What causes pedestrian collisions in Delaware?
Here are some informative links to help you and your family ride safely in Delaware: